

What we do
We provide small residential homes for children up to the age of 18 years who display emotional and behavioural difficulties.
My Choice School is the education provision at My Choice Children’s Homes. We provide an individualised education programme for young people who have disengaged from learning and are unable to access larger school environments due to their complex emotional and behavioural difficulties.
“This is a small, nurturing school where pupils feel happy and safe. Staff develop positive working relationships with pupils quickly. Teachers use several strategies to support pupils’ individual needs effectively. Pupils told inspectors that they get on well because of the small groups. As a result, staff skillfully spot potential issues before they happen and support pupils to manage these situations. Behaviour inside and outside of classrooms is typically calm.”
“The school is committed to making a positive difference to pupils’ lives. This was summed up by a parent, responding to Ofsted Parent View, who said: ‘This school is amazing, and I would highly recommend it.’ “
“Reading is prioritised. The well-stocked and welcoming library provides pupils with a wide range of reading materials to choose from. Pupils are encouraged to read regularly in class. “
“Staff know pupils very well.”
“Staff expertly support pupils’ behaviour.”
“The school places great emphasis on pupils’ personal development. “
Ofsted 2024
A great place to work
Our most valuable asset is our staff team which includes nearly 110 members. Our team have a wealth of experience with a child centered approach, genuine passion and commitment in looking after our young people.
Unit 3a Mill Green Business Estate Mill Green Road, Hayward’s Heath West Sussex, RH16 1XQ
01444 446920 enquiries@my-choice-homes.com